
Two-way ANCOVA in SPSS Statistics (page 3)

Interpreting the two-way ANCOVA results

After running the two-way ANCOVA procedures and testing that your data meets the assumptions of a two-way ANCOVA, SPSS Statistics will have generated a number of tables and graphs that contain all the information you need to report the results of your two-way ANCOVA analysis. In this section, we introduce you to the initial results that you need to interpret: (a) descriptive statistics and estimates; and (b) the two-way interaction effect. We cannot stress enough at this point that these results might not be accurate if your data has not met all of the 10 assumptions of the two-way ANCOVA, which were discussed on page one of this introductory guide. However, assuming that you have already run these assumptions procedures in SPSS Statistics, we help you to interpret the descriptive statistics and estimates and the two-way interaction effect on this page. After interpreting these results, there are additional analyses that you need to run – whether simple main effects, interaction contrasts and/or main effects – so we discuss these later. That said, if you would like to understand how to follow-up the two-way interaction effect and interpret these findings, you can do so by subscribing to Laerd Statistics and accessing our 28 page two-way ANCOVA guide.

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Descriptive statistics and estimates

Descriptive statistics are discussed first because it is good to have an overall impression of what your data is showing. There are two main tables that you will need to be familiar with in SPSS Statistics when running a two-way ANCOVA. These are the Descriptive Statistics table and the Estimates table. Although it might appear that they contain the same information, they do not, and differ in important ways. The main difference is that the means of the groups of the two independent variables, diet and exercise, in the Descriptive Statistics table have not been adjusted for the covariate, weight (i.e., they are unadjusted means). This is important because in the two-way ANCOVA the mean values of the groups of the independent variables have been adjusted by the covariate, weight (i.e., it is the adjusted means that are of interest). These adjusted means are shown in the Estimates table. However, both tables provide useful descriptive statistics that can help you to get a better 'feel' for your data. Therefore, in the three sections that follow, we explain the results from the Descriptive Statistics table and then the Estimates table. We also highlight some of the differences between the two tables.

The Descriptive Statistics table

The Descriptive Statistics table presents the mean, standard deviation and sample size for the dependent variable, cholesterol, for each combination of groups of the two independent variables: diet and exercise (i.e., for each cell of the design). You can use this table to understand certain aspects of your data, such as: (a) whether there are an equal number of participants in each of your groups (the "N" column); (b) which groups had the higher/lower mean score (the "Mean" column) (and what this means for your results); and (c) if the variation in each group is similar (the "Std. Deviation" column). The Descriptive Statistics table for our results is shown below:

Descriptive Statistics table for the two-way ANCOVA

Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.

The columns in the Descriptive Statistics table above have the following meaning:

Column name Column meaning
Std. DeviationStandard deviation
NNumber of cases (e.g., participants)
Table: Column meanings for the "Descriptive Statistics" table.

For example, we can see that group sizes were equal with 10 participants in each group (n = 10 for each group) and that mean cholesterol concentration (cholesterol) was higher in the "Low", "Moderate" and "High" physical activity groups in the "No Diet" group compared to the "Low", "Moderate" and "High" physical activity groups in the "Diet" group (i.e., the groups of the two independent variables: diet and exercise). You can report these descriptive statistics in your results using the mean (the "Mean" column) and standard deviation (the "Std. Deviation" column).

However, despite these descriptive statistics being useful, the means of the groups are not adjusted for the covariate, weight (i.e., they are unadjusted means). Therefore, in the next section we discuss the adjusted means that are presented in the Estimates table.

The Estimates table

In a two-way ANCOVA, the mean values of the groups of the two independent variables have been adjusted by the covariate, weight (i.e., they are adjusted means). This is important because the statistical significance of the two independent variables (i.e., whether the group means are statistically significantly different) is based on the adjusted means and not the unadjusted means. If we ignore these adjusted means, it would be as though the two-way ANCOVA was never run. Therefore, the Estimates table presents the adjusted mean, standard error and 95% confidence interval of the adjusted mean for the dependent variable, cholesterol, for each combination of groups of the two independent variables: diet and exercise (i.e., for each cell of the design). You can use this table to understand certain aspects of your data, such as: (a) which groups had the higher/lower adjusted mean score (the "Mean" column) (and what this means for your results); (b) the standard error of the groups (the "Std. Error" column); and (c) that you can be 95% confident that the adjusted population mean will fall between these lower and upper bounds (the "95% Confidence Interval" column).

The Estimates table for our results is shown below:

Estimates table for the two-way ANCOVA

Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.

The columns in the Estimates table above have the following meaning:

Column name Column meaning
Mean Adjusted mean
Std. Error Standard error (of the adjusted mean)
Lower Bound Lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of the adjusted mean
Upper Bound Upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of the adjusted mean
Table: Column meanings for the "Estimates" table.

Remember that the values in the "Mean" column above are the adjusted means (i.e., adjusted for the covariate). These adjusted means are the predicted group means for the dependent variable when the covariate is set to its average value (i.e., its average value in the whole study). In this example, you can see from the footnote of the Estimates table above that the covariate, weight, was set to 85.8042 kg, the average value for weight in this study.

When there are so many results to display, it is usually easier to present them in a table format. For example, you might report the results as follows:

Table summarising the descriptive statistics for the two-way ANCOVA

Note: We have not only reported statistics from the Estimates table, but also the Descriptive Statistics table. Furthermore, we have reported the means, adjusted means, standard deviations and standard errors to more decimal places that we would normally. We have done this to show the differences between the means and adjusted means as the differences were so slight.

In the next section we highlight some of the differences between the unadjusted means and adjusted means as presented in the Descriptive Statistics and Estimates tables respectively.


Unadjusted versus adjusted means

In a two-way ANCOVA analysis, the covariate is included to provide a better assessment of the differences between the groups of the two independent variables in terms of the dependent variable. This is highlighted when comparing the values of the unadjusted means and adjusted means from the Descriptive Statistics and Estimates tables respectively. Therefore, in the diagram below, we have presented the Descriptive Statistics and Estimates tables side-by-side:

Table comparing the Descriptive Statistics and Estimates tables for the two-way ANCOVA

For example, start by looking at the first cell of our design in the Descriptive Statistics and Estimates tables above, which reflects participants who dieted and underwent the low-intensity exercise programme (i.e., the row highlighted as "1.00 Diet" and "1.00 Low"). In the Descriptive Statistics table on the left, the unadjusted mean cholesterol concentration for this group was 6.0360 mmol/L, whereas when adjusted for the continuous covariate, weight, the adjusted mean cholesterol concentration was 5.975 mmol/L (i.e., in the Estimates table). In other words, the cholesterol concentration for this group was .061 mmol/L lower when the initial weight of participants was taken into account. Next, look at the sixth cell of our design, which reflects participants who did not diet and underwent the high-intensity exercise programme (i.e., the row highlighted as "2.00 No Diet" and "3.00 High"). In the Descriptive Statistics table on the left, the unadjusted mean cholesterol concentration for this group was 5.6330 mmol/L, whereas when adjusted for the continuous covariate, weight, the adjusted mean cholesterol concentration was 5.698 mmol/L (i.e., in the Estimates table). In other words, the cholesterol concentration for this group was .065 mmol/L higher when the initial weight of participants was taken into account.

Not only were the unadjusted means and adjusted means different in these two cells of our design, but the impact of the covariate, weight, was also different between these two cells (i.e., taking weight into account led to a lower mean cholesterol concentration for participants who dieted and underwent the low-intensity exercise programme, whereas it led to a higher mean cholesterol concentration for participants who did not diet and underwent the high-intensity exercise programme). Whether these differences are important will vary from study to study. For example, is a difference in mean cholesterol concentration .065 mmol/L clinically important? Is an increase or decrease in mean cholesterol concentration when the covariate is taken into account clinically (or practically) important? Is the role that weight has played in terms of showing a higher adjusted mean cholesterol concentration in one group (e.g., participants who dieted and underwent the low-intensity exercise programme) compared to another group (e.g., participants who did not diet and underwent the high-intensity exercise programme) interesting or important in some way? These are the types of questions you might want to ask yourself when evaluating the differences in unadjusted means and adjusted means from the Descriptive Statistics and Estimates tables respectively.

Now that you have an overall impression of your data you can interpret the main result from the two-way ANCOVA (i.e., whether you have a statistically significant two-way interaction effect), which is discussed in the next section.

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Determining whether a two-way interaction effect exists

The primary goal of running a two-way ANCOVA is to determine whether there is an interaction effect between the two independent variables, diet and exercise, in terms of the dependent variable, cholesterol, after controlling for the covariate, weight (i.e., whether a two-way interaction effect exists). As we stated on the previous page, in this guide we do not distinguish between a focal variable and moderator variable, but instead investigate: (a) the effect of diet on exercise in terms of cholesterol, after controlling for weight; and (b) the effect of exercise on diet in terms of the cholesterol, after controlling for weight. However, if you are unsure in your own example whether to make such a distinction, please see the brief explanatory note below:

Explanation: In this example, if we were primarily interested in the effect of exercise on differences in adjusted mean cholesterol concentration and wanted to know how this effect might be different if a diet was also undertaken, we would consider exercise to be an example of where we consider one of the independent variables (i.e., exercise) to be the focal variable and the other independent variable (i.e., diet) to be the moderator variable. That is, we are primarily interested in how the effect of exercise on adjusted mean cholesterol concentration is moderated by diet. This is purely a theoretical issue because an interaction effect is symmetrical. That is, an interaction allows the effect of independent variable A to be dependent on independent variable B and vice-versa, independent variable B to be dependent on independent variable A. You can investigate either A on B, B on A, or both. The statistical result you get for the interaction effect does not demand that you investigate A on B or B on A; either or both are permissible. However, theoretically, you might consider one of the independent variables as a focal variable and the other independent variable as a moderator variable. In this situation, the effect of the focal variable is your primary concern, but you think that its effect on the dependent variable depends on the value of the moderator variable. Considering your study in this way has implications not only on how you might interpret and report the two-way ANCOVA result, but also how you might go about analysing a statistically significant result with post hoc tests (Jaccard, 1998).

You can gain an initial impression of whether there is an interaction effect between the two independent variables by visually inspecting the profile plots that were created when you ran the two-way ANCOVA procedure on the previous page. However, a formal statistical test is required to test for the presence of an interaction effect (i.e., via statistical significance testing). Therefore, we first show you how to interpret the two-way interaction effect using these profile plots before explaining how to interpret the two-way interaction effect using a formal statistical test.

Interpreting the two-way interaction effect using profile plots

When plotted, there can be a number of ways in which the two independent variables can be related. However, simply put, if the lines are not parallel (i.e., if they have different patterns or they cross or overlap each other) you might have an interaction effect. Alternatively, if the lines are parallel, you would not expect to have an interaction effect.

Important: Despite the usefulness of profile plots in understanding your data, you cannot determine an interaction effect from them because the profile plot is based on the sample data you have collected and you are interested in determining whether there is an interaction effect in the population from which the sample has been drawn (Fox, 2008). That is, any non-parallel lines in the profile plot might be a consequence of sampling error and not reflect non-parallel lines in the population. Therefore, a formal statistical test is required to test for the presence of an interaction effect (i.e., via statistical significance testing). This is why we use words like might when discussing what a profile plot shows (e.g., as stated above, "If the lines are not parallel...you might have an interaction effect"). That said, the profile plots are still very useful in getting an initial impression of your data and are particularly useful when deciding how to follow up a statistically significant two-way interaction (i.e., whether to interpret and report main effects in addition to simple main effects), which we discuss in our more comprehensive 28 page two-way ANCOVA guide (N.B., you can access this more comprehensive guide by subscribing to Laerd Statistics).

To get an idea of what you are looking for in your profile plot, the diagram below shows you some different possible patterns of the adjusted means and whether they are likely to indicate that a statistically significant two-way interaction effect is present:

Examples of profile plots for the two-way ANCOVA

Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.

You can see from the diagrams in the top row above that when the lines are parallel, even when there is some distance between them, the two-way interaction effect is not likely to be statistically significant. On the other hand, when the lines take different courses (i.e., are not parallel), whether separated or not, as shown in the diagrams in the bottom row, the two-way interaction effect is likely to be statistically significant. Therefore, look at the two profile plots we generated for our example, as shown below:

Profile plots for the two-way ANCOVA

Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.

Explanation: There are two profile plots above because when running the main GLM Univariate procedure on the previous page we requested that the two independent variables should be plotted in two ways: (a) diet versus exercise; and (b) exercise versus diet. Therefore, in the profile plot on the left above, diet is shown on the x-axis and exercise is shown by the separate lines. As such, the opposite is plotted in the profile plot on the right above: exercise is shown on the x-axis and diet is shown by the separate lines. Even though the lines in the two profile plots look very different, they are plotting the same data; just in two different ways (i.e., the two independent variables have simply been swapped between the x-axis and the separate lines). We do this because it gives you two opportunities to look at the pattern of the lines in the profile plots; that is, it gives you a better appreciation of the trends in the data, as recommended by Faraway (2015). This makes it easier to decide whether the lines are parallel (i.e., not likely to be statistically significant) or not parallel (i.e., likely to be statistically significant).

Note: If you choose to include the profile plots above in your results section, we would recommend at least correcting the scale of the y-axis. When creating these profile plots, SPSS Statistics does its best to create a suitable scale, but since it does not know what your dependent variable represents it may not use an appropriate scale. In our example, the y-axis ranges between 5.00 mmol/L and 6.20 mmol/L, which is fine. However, the range chosen by SPSS Statistics may not be a suitable range when your data is plotted.

The profile plot on the right is similar in orientation to the example profiles plots illustrated earlier on this page (i.e., on the bottom row). You can see that the two lines are not parallel and do not cross. The same is the case for the profile plot on the left. The three lines do not cross and only two of the three are parallel. Therefore, the two-way interaction effect between diet and exercise might be statistically significant. However, this only tells us half of the story. The pattern of the lines – that is, whether the lines cross or do not cross – tells us about the nature of the interaction; that is, whether the interaction is ordinal or disordinal. When lines do not cross, you have what is called an ordinal interaction. On the other hand, if the lines do cross, you have a disordinal interaction. Since the lines do not cross in our example, this suggests that we have an ordinal interaction.

Whilst it is important to determine whether the two-way interaction effect might be statistically significant and what the nature of this interaction is (i.e., ordinal or disordinal), we also need to understand what the two profile plots show in terms of our example. This interpretation is made easier because we generated two profile plots: (a) one for diet versus exercise; and (b) one for exercise versus diet. Therefore, refer back to the two profile plots we generated for our example below:

Profile plots for the two-way ANCOVA

Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.

Overall, it would appear that diet has a similar impact on post-intervention cholesterol concentration when undertaken in addition to a low-intensity and moderate-intensity exercise training programme, but has a much larger impact when combined with a high-intensity exercise training programme. This is highlighted by looking at each profile plot in turn: (a) diet versus exercise; and (b) exercise versus diet.

Therefore, profile plots can be very useful not only in showing where there might be a two-way interaction effect, but also in describing and highlighting possible patterns in our data. Furthermore, determining whether you have an ordinal interaction or disordinal interaction has important implications on how you follow-up a statistically significant interaction effect (i.e., whether you might report main effects in addition to simple main effects), which is discussed in our more comprehensive two-way ANCOVA guide. However, we must stress that the profile plots reflect our sample data and not the population we have drawn our sample from. Therefore, a formal statistical test is required to test for the presence of a two-way interaction effect (i.e., via statistical significance testing), which is discussed in the next section.

Interpreting the two-way interaction effect using a formal statistical test

You can determine whether you have a statistically significant two-way interaction effect by interpreting the Tests of Between-Subjects Effects table. The interaction effect is represented as the product of the two independent variables in a two-way ANCOVA (i.e., independent variable A x independent variable B), but with the multiplication sign (i.e., "x") being replaced with an asterisk in SPSS Statistics (i.e., "*"). Therefore, the two-way interaction effect in our example is labelled "diet * exercise". As such, you need to interpret the "diet * exercise" row in the Tests of Between-Subjects Effects table, as highlighted below:

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects table for the two-way ANCOVA

Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.

The "Sig." column presents the significance value (i.e., p-value) of the two-way interaction effect. If p < .05 (i.e., if p is less than .05), you have a statistically significant two-way interaction effect. Alternatively, if p > .05 (i.e., if p is greater than .05), you do not have a statistically significant two-way interaction effect.

You can see from the highlighted row above that the p-value for this interaction effect is .019 (i.e., p = .019). Since .019 is less than .05 (i.e., it satisfies p < .05), this means that there is a statistically significant two-way interaction effect. It indicates that we were correct in thinking that the effect of a diet on cholesterol concentration (after controlling for weight) depends on the exercise programme being undertaken or, equivalently, the effect of an exercise training programme on cholesterol concentration (after controlling for weight) depends on whether the exercise programme is accompanied by a diet.

Note: If you see SPSS Statistics state that the "Sig." value is ".000", this means that p < .0005; it does not mean that the significance level is actually zero. For the APA style, all p-values less than .001 should be written p < .001. When the p-value is greater than .001, it is preferable to state the actual p-value rather than a greater/less than p-value statement (e.g., p = .023 rather than p < .05). This way, you convey more information to the reader about the level of statistical significance of your result.

You could report a statistically significant two-way interaction effect as follows:

There was a statistically significant interaction between diet and exercise on cholesterol concentration, whilst controlling for weight, F(2, 53) = 4.253, p = .019, partial η2 = .138.

There was a statistically significant interaction between diet and exercise on cholesterol concentration, whilst controlling for weight, F(2, 53) = 4.25, p = .019, partial η2 = .138.

In the statement above, the F(2, 53) = 4.253, p = .019, partial η2 = .138 part has the following meaning:

Column name Column meaning
F Indicates that we are comparing to an F-distribution (F-test).
2 in (2, 53) Indicates the degrees of freedom for the interaction term.
53 in (2, 53) Indicates the degrees of freedom for the error term.
4.253 (or 4.25 in APA style) Indicates the obtained value of the F-statistic (obtained F-value).
p = .019 Indicates the probability of obtaining the observed F-value given the null hypothesis is true.
partial η2 = .138 A measure of effect size.

On the other hand, if p > .05 (i.e., if the p-value is greater than .05), you do not have a statistically significant two-way interaction effect. You could report this result as follows:

There was no statistically significant interaction between diet and exercise on cholesterol concentration, whilst controlling for weight, F(2, 53) = 1.215, p = .432, partial η2 = .020.

There was no statistically significant interaction between diet and exercise on cholesterol concentration, whilst controlling for weight, F(2, 53) = 1.22, p = .432, partial η2 = .02.

Note: The results in the example write-up above have been made up to provide an example of a non-statistically significant result, so you will not find these results in any of the SPSS Statistics output.

Depending on whether you have a statistically significant two-way interaction effect will determine how you should proceed in your analysis (i.e., what follow-up tests you carry out), as discussed in the next section.

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Follow-up analysis after determining whether there is a statistically significant two-way interaction effect

As mentioned above, whether you have a statistically significant two-way interaction effect will determine how you follow up your analysis; in other words, what analysis you can carry out next in order to learn more about your data. There are three types of follow-up analysis you can carry out: (a) simple main effects; (b) interaction contrasts; and/or (c) main effects. Whilst there are preferences to which of these three types of result you should interpret depending on whether your two-way interaction term is statistically significant, it is important to take a common sense approach to selecting the most appropriate method.

Generally speaking, if you have a statistically significant interaction effect, you can consider following up your analysis using simple main effects (Jaccard, 1998; Keppel & Wickens, 2004; Kinnear & Gray, 2010; Maxwell & Delaney, 2004) or interaction contrasts. Alternatively, if you do not have a statistically significant interaction effect, you can consider following up your analysis using main effects (e.g., Howell, 2010). Unfortunately, the choice between simple main effects and main effects is not so simple in practice. There are occasions when you may want to report simple main effects when the two-way interaction effect is not statistically significant (Faraway, 2015; Fox, 2008; Searle, 2006). There are also occasions when you may want to report main effects in addition to simple main effects when the two-way interaction effect is statistically significant, but you need to be careful because this can be misleading (Shadish et al., 2002). Due to these challenges in knowing when to carry out and report simple main effects and main effects, we dedicate a section of our more comprehensive 28 page two-way ANCOVA guide to help you understand these options (N.B., you can access this two-way ANCOVA guide by subscribing to Laerd Statistics). Nonetheless, in this introductory guide, we briefly explain what these two types of follow-up analysis – simple main effects and main effects – will help you to learn about your two-way ANCOVA results. Finally, we briefly introduce the IBM SPSS Statistics Syntax Editor that you will need to use to carry out simple main effects using SPSS Statistics.

Simple main effects

In our example, there are five simple main effects. The three simple main effects of diet are:

In terms of exercise, the two simple main effects are:

Therefore, when the two-way interaction effect is statistically significant in a two-way ANCOVA, we investigate whether the differences in adjusted means in each of these five simple main effects is statistically significant. For example, if we take the first simple main effect for diet (i.e., in the first of the five bullets above), we would investigate whether there was a statistically significant difference in the adjusted mean cholesterol concentration between participants who dieted and did not diet who were also in the low-intensity exercise group. This may indicate that, for example, there was relatively little difference in adjusted mean cholesterol concentration between participants who underwent a diet compared to those who did not diet in the low-intensity exercise group. It may also show that this simple main effect was not statistically significant (i.e., there was no difference in adjusted mean cholesterol concentration in the population from which our sample was drawn). However, we must stress that you may also want to interpret main effects in addition to simple main effects.

Main effects

In our example we have two main effects:

Therefore, when the two-way interaction effect is not statistically significant in a two-way ANCOVA, we investigate whether the differences in adjusted marginal means in these two main effects are statistically significant. For example, if we take the main effect for diet (i.e., in the first of the two bullets above), we would investigate whether there was a statistically significant difference in the adjusted marginal mean cholesterol concentration between participants who dieted and those who did not diet. This may indicate that, for example, there was a difference of .298 mmol/L in adjusted marginal mean cholesterol concentration between participants who underwent a diet compared to those who did not diet. It may also show that this main effect was statistically significant (i.e., a difference in adjusted marginal mean cholesterol concentration exists in the population from which our sample was drawn). Again, we must stress in some cases you would still report simple main effects rather than main effects when the two-way interaction effect is not statistically significant.

Carrying out simple main effects using SPSS Statistics

Whilst you can determine whether there was a statistically significant two-way interaction effect, as well as carrying out main effects using the point-and-click system on the previous page, carrying out simple main effects using SPSS Statistics requires syntax (i.e., computer code). This syntax/computer code is entered into the IBM SPSS Statistics Syntax Editor window. For example, the code that was generated for the two-way ANCOVA analysis run on the previous page is highlighted in the IBM SPSS Statistics Syntax Editor window below:

Syntax Editor for the two-way ANCOVA

Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.

In order to carry out simple main effects, you need to add to the syntax/computer code above, as well as make a number of changes so that SPSS Statistics understands what simple main effects analysis you want to carry out and how to make an adjustment for multiple comparisons (i.e., the fact that you are running multiple simple main effects on the same data set). If you are not familiar with writing syntax/computer code in SPSS Statistics, we explain how to do this to carry out simple main effects analysis in our more comprehensive two-way ANCOVA guide. We also dedicate a number of pages to help you understand how to interpret the results from your simple main effects, as well as your main effects. You can access this 28 page two-way ANCOVA guide by subscribing to Laerd Statistics (please note that membership includes access to all of our guides).

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Faraway, J. J. (2015). Linear models with R (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Fox, J. (2008). Applied regression analysis and generalized linear models (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Huitema, B. E. (2011). The analysis of covariance and alternatives. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Jaccard, J. (1998). Interaction effects in factorial analysis of variance. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Keppel, G., & Wickens, T. D. (2004). Design and analysis: A researcher's handbook (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Kinnear, P. R., & Gray, C. D. (2010). PASW 17 statistics made simple. New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Maxwell, S. E., & Delaney, H. D. (2004). Designing experiments and analyzing data: A model comparison perspective (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Searle, S. R. (2006). Linear models for unbalanced data. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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