
Ranking Data in SPSS Statistics


Ranking is used to recode the data into their rank ordering from smallest to largest or largest to smallest. We will demonstrate this by entering in some data and ranking it in SPSS Statistics.

Data to Rank
87 26 54 39 67
12 28 98 54 68
23 64 28 43 77
Table: Data to enter into SPSS Statistics.

Your data should be entered into SPSS Statistics, as shown below:

'Data View' when ranking data in SPSS Statistics. Shows variable 'Data'

Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.

Note: We have named the variable as Data, which you will see reflected in the name of the column (i.e., Data column). Remember that each individual's results go on a separate line (row) in SPSS Statistics.

SPSS Statistics

Procedure in SPSS Statistics

The procedure below shows you how to rank your data:

  1. Click on Transform > Rank Cases... in the top menu, as shown below:
    Menu to ranking data in SPSS Statistics

    Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.

  2. Click on the Data variable in the left-hand box, and click on the Right arrow button to move it to the Variable(s): box. Next, uncheck the Display summary tables checkbox.

    If you want to have the largest value to have a rank of "1", select the radio box Largest value from the –Assign Rank 1 to– box. We will stick with the default in this example, which is Smallest value.
    'Rank Cases' dialogue box to rank data in SPSS Statistics. Variable 'Data' transferred into 'Variable(s)' box

    Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.

  3. Click on the OK button.

  1. You will be presented with the SPSS Statistics Data Editor, which will now show the ranked data under a new variable name. This new variable name will have the same variable name as the old name, but with the addition of the letter "R" at the beginning. Hence, in this example, the ranked data variable is called "RData".
    'Data View' to rank data in SPSS Statistics. New ranked data variable, 'RData', added

    Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.

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