Dark mode in SPSS Statistics
You can change the look and feel of the SPSS Statistics interface to "Dark Mode", which was introduced in the latest release of SPSS Statistics: version 30.
Note: If you are unsure which version of SPSS Statistics you are using, see our guide: Identifying your version of SPSS Statistics.
For example, in Microsoft Windows, the IBM SPSS Statistics Data Editor now looks as follows in dark mode:

Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.
In Apple macOS, the IBM SPSS Statistics Data Editor now looks as follows in dark mode:

Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation.
Therefore, in the four steps that follow, we show you how to change the look and feel of the SPSS Statistics interface to "Dark Mode". Since the Options dialogue box where you make this change is slightly different in Microsoft Windows compared to Apple macOS, this guide is split into two sections: Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS.